OUR MISSION To provide a Christ-centered, teacher directed, academically challenging school for Atlanta’s children while mentoring parents in Christ-centered child rearing. CORE VALUES Christ-Centered Redeemer Day School believes in nurturing students in the development of Christ-like character and a love for the Lord by hiding His Word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11). Our students learn about the Bible and that His Word is Truth. We teach them about God’s character so that they will understand what their character should be. Prayerfulness, love and respect for others, obedience, truthfulness, and good manners are all modeled and taught in the classroom. Teacher Directed Redeemer Day School strives to develop leaders. Children learn to lead by first learning to follow the leadership modeled for them by their teacher. The teacher directs the activities of the day, and students are trained to listen, obey, and follow directions. When this structure is in place, children feel safe and loved, learning can take place, and school is fun! Academically Challenging Redeemer Day School provides an academically challenging curriculum, filtered through the lens of God’s Word, that instills a love of our Biblical heritage as a nation under God. We acknowledge that the Lord is excellent in all that He does. Therefore, we believe in setting high standards that are age appropriate. Love and support are given as we help little ones stretch and grow. Creativity and play are present in daily activities that are engaging and varied. We believe these foundational years are preparation for what God has in store for a person’s future in both school and life. Mentoring Relationships Redeemer Day School partners with parents and comes alongside them as they rear their children. We believe that a child’s home, church, and school should work together to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). Teachers and parents must rely on the Holy Spirit to develop Christ-like character in these precious children. We are looking down the road at what each child will become as they grow into the person that the Lord has created them to be. Our prayer is that they will never know a time that they do not love, serve, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.