Gaston Glock founded GLOCK in 1963 to manufacture plastic and steel components. The company began to supply the Austrian Army with machine gun belts, practice hand grenades and plastic clips. In the 1980s, the army decided to acquire a new duty pistol asking manufacturers for bids, including GLOCK. The result was one of the breakthroughs in firearms technology. The GLOCK pistol was light in weight and had one of the highest magazine capacities of any other pistol in its class. The company manufacturers pistols, including 9x19, which include the GLOCK 17, 18, 26 and 34; 10mm, including GLOCK 20; .357, such as GLOCK 31, 32 and 33; .380, including GLOCK 25; .40, such as GLOCK 22, 23 and 35; .45, such as GLOCK 21, 30 and 36; and training firearms. The company also offers a variety of knives, entrenching tools and accessories. The United States and Canada GLOCK headquarters is in Smyrna, Ga.