Our senior pastor, Larry Showalter, has been leading us here at Ruggles since 1981. Originally from a dairy farm in Pennsylvania, his family attended a Church of the Brethren congregation. Curiosity about God and the Christian life prompted many questions that he struggled to find satisfactory answers to. As a teenager he came into contact [... ] James Marohn, Office Manager James grew up about 25 miles northwest of Boston, in the quiet, mosquito-infested town of Carlisle, MA. He graduated from Wesleyan University in 1991, having majored in Studio Art. In addition to his responsibilities at Ruggles, James has been an after-school teacher for the last 19 years, as well as an [... ] Ruggles Street Baptist Church was incorporated in May of 1878. In that year a church covenant was adopted to express the essential faith and lifestyle of the church membership. Although the covenant has been amended over the years, the following amended covenant still retains the spirit of the original covenant: We believe in God, the [... ] Church Structure The government of the church is vested in the body of believers, its membership, who is the authority for all decisions, including the responsibility for all designated authorities. The Church Council is responsible for the management of both the spiritual and temporal affairs of the church, but subject to the authority of the membership. The [... ] Church Membership In order to become a member of Ruggles Baptist Church, you are expected to demonstrate a commitment in two areas: to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to Ruggles Church community. In order to obtain evidence of these commitments, the following procedures are in place so that the church may provide the opportunity [... ] Founded in 1870 and incorporated in 1878, Ruggles Street Baptist Church enjoyed a century of ministry to families in Roxbury. In addition to a large education program, the church opened a dispensary ( which later became New England Baptist Hospital ) and organized several new churches in the area. In 1970 we moved to our current location. [... ] Our church is excited to be continuing the HouseChurch movement that traces it's roots all the way back to the first century! Click here to find out more!