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North River Community Church

Scripture. We are committed to communicating the timeless truths of authentic, biblical Christianity in a culturally relevant, yet doctrinally pure fashion. Community. We are called to the process of creating a community of believers, where members serve Christ and each other through God-given spiritual gifts, where worship exalts God and inspires the people, where families of all sizes are nurtured, and where loving relationships permeate all that we say and do. Servanthood. Authenticity, spiritual growth, and servanthood are normative for Christ-followers. Accountability. Spiritual growth happens best in the context of meaningful relationships and small groups which are committed to accountability and encouragement. Lost People. The Church is called to love people who are far from God, because God desires to draw all people to His grace and mercy. Leadership. The Church is led best by spiritually gifted leaders, whose lives and decisions are continually submitted to the Lordship of Christ. Equality. Equality in Christ extends to every area of ministry, regardless of race, gender, and background. Excellence. Excellence in every aspect of life and work honors God. Stewardship. Intentional management of our time, talents, and financial resources honors God and aligns our will with His will.

North River Community Church
(781) 312-0191
334 Old Oak St, Pembroke, MA 02359
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