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Front Page Insurance

Auto insurance can be a very complicated subject. From understanding how auto insurance works, what your different options are when purchasing a policy, which company to choose, and what to do if you are having difficulty obtaining coverage, we are here to help. This coverage has two parts. The first is the liability section of the policy. It covers your financial responsibility for injuring others and some coverage is required by most states. The second part covers the car itself: comprehensive coverage reimburses losses from fire, theft or other perils; collision coverage pays to repair losses caused by an accident. Often this coverage is mandated by leasing companies or banks. There are also ancillary medical, car rental and other coverage's which vary by state. Utilizing high deductibles on the physical damage coverage's can help reduce premiums. If you carry umbrella insurance, you must be sure that you carry the required amount of basic liability insurance to avoid a gap in coverage for a serious accident. If you are from out of state, rest assured that one of our customer service representatives knows the ins and outs of what is required from your state to have your vehicle registered here in Massachusetts. We will then guide you to the local branch to obtain your resident parking permit... Let us do the work for you and just relax... we will take care of everything!

Front Page Insurance
(617) 268-4700
653 E Broadway, Boston, MA 02127
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