First Unitarian Church ( FUC ) has been a voice of liberal religion in Chicago since 1836. We have been in our Hyde Park church since 1897 ; our building is located very near the University of Chicago campus. We are an intentionally inclusive church, welcoming individuals who wish to join in inquiry, worship and social action. We have an outstanding music program. We have vibrant small groups reflecting the theological diversity in our congregation, and Chalice Circles providing opportunities for exploration and support. We have a life-span religious education program, with a professional director guiding our children and youth program, and members leading programs for adults. Our congregation has long been one of the most racially integrated UU groups, and we have worked to promote racial equality in the neighborhood and elsewhere. The Chicago Children's Choir was founded at our church ( in 1957 ) to unite children of diverse racial and socioeconomic status in a love of music ; this group has become one of the cultural stars of Chicago and the nation. A neighborhood CCC group now meets First Church ; and we share space with a day care center, a literacy skills center, a dance studio, a parent support group, a center serving minority lesbians, and several other groups who welcome our hospitality. As one measure of our support for social justice, we voted to contribute all the non-designated plate offerings for three Sundays during each quarter to an organization selected by a congregational committee. We have exceeded our initial target, and during the last fiscal year contributed $8, 560 to four organizations. Last year two groups of members journeyed to New Orleans ( for a week each ) to work with the UU congregation there in rehabilitating buildings damaged by Katrina. Every week the announcements includes opportunities to put our faith in action.