Looking to expand your business and open a 2nd office on the South Side? Let us help. Beautiful renovated office spaces available for immediately occupancy. The elegant business environment offers a variety of business suites at affordable prices that will certainly accommodate most user requirements, business expansion, or the need for an additional location. The office suites are conveniently located in the South Shore community. The Metro commuter train, CTA bus line, and Lake Shore Drive help to make this location accessible for Tenant and Clientele. The historic Jackson Park Highlands, scenic Jackson Park Golf course, South Shore Cultural Center and Lake Michigan add pleasure and beauty to this nestled community. The Rental property is located at 7141 South Jeffrey Boulevard in the in the City of Chicago's 5th Ward. Space is currently available from 300 to over 800 square feet. Featured amenities include, twenty four hour access, personalized security, conference room, heat and air conditioning. For additional information and space availabilty please call today. Ask for Vicki