For Years the Personal Injury Attorneys at the Chicago Law Firm of Abels & Annes, P.C., Have Assisted Hundreds of Clients in Obtaining Compensation for the Injuries They Have Suffered from the Negligence, Recklessness, and Abuse of Others Most of us take our daily lives in stride. We easily fall into our routines of going to work, or dropping the children off at school; we shop, go to restaurants, stroll through Chicago streets; we visit family and friends on the weekends. Yet despite the way we accept our ability to do these things for granted, every now and then, something comes along to seriously disrupt our expectations. Every single day, people who are doing routine, normal activities encounter accidents and mishaps: car accidents; motorcycle collisions; workplace injuries; encountering an unsafe or defective product; slipping, falling or tripping on an unknown hazard; receiving the wrong medication from a doctor or a pharmacy. Frequently, these incidents cause only minor damage or injury, and can be handled by putting up with just a little inconvenience or aggravation. But at other times, the consequences are more serious, and can result in grave injury, or even death. When this happens, your serious injury can be a grueling, life-altering experience. It can cause you to lose your good health for an extended period of time—perhaps even permanently—and seriously hamper your ability to enjoy everyday life. It can cause upheavals not only to your own life, but to those who love you, care for you, or depend upon you. And in addition to the physical and emotional turmoil caused by the injury, it can cause a financial crisis in your life: you may have massive medical bills, lose your ability to earn an income, or require costly care and medical supplies that endure for a lifetime. After you have suffered such a catastrophe, it is natural for you to experiences feelings of being lost, overwhelmed, isolated, and uncertain. It is difficult to know what to expect, what you should do, and what your rights are, particularly when confronted by insurance companies, employers, businesses, and others who hire professionals and lawyers to represent their interests and to protect their rights and limit their exposure to liability.