Periodontal Disease:Periodontal or gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. Periodontal Disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in American adults. When left on the teeth, plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that is brushed and flossed away with proper oral care, produces toxins that attack below the gum line in the sulcus (a shallow v-shaped crevice between the tooth and gums), causing the bond between teeth and gums to break down. In the early stage of gum disease (gingivitis), gums may become red and swollen and bleed easily. In the more advanced state (periodontal disease), teeth can loosen and even fall out. Good oral hygiene and regular dental examinations are essential in prevention and early detection of gum disease-especially since you can have it without experiencing any warning signs.Crown Lengthening:When a tooth is fractured or decay extends below the gum line, this area must be uncovered before it can be restored for a number of reasons. In order for the gum to heal against the tooth in a healthy manner, there must be 3 millimeters of health tooth between the margin of a filling or cap and the crest of the bone which supports the tooth. This allows space for proper attachment of the gum to the tooth.After the treatment, the fractured or decayed area is uncovered and accessible to the dentist for restoration and the needed space has been established between the supporting tissues and the final position.GenderfemaleLanguages SpokenEnglish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish