Let the professionals at The Filis Law Firm work with you to properly plan for the life events of a loved one with a disability. Owner, Leona E. Filis, is an attorney, licensed in Texas in 2002, who is also a mother of a child diagnosed with autism. "After receiving the confirmation that my son is on the Autism Spectrum, I made many new friends with other parents of children with disabilities. Over the years we had many conversations, and I naturally focused on legal topics. It become more and more apparent that many legal documents and court filings of my friends did not address their specific needs. Standard language in Decrees and Trusts hindered instead of helped. As a mother, it frustrated me to witness the effects of these errors. Professionally, it inspired me to return to a general civil practice, but tailoring documents to truly address the needs of the clients." - Leona We can help with your Disability and Estate Planning by preparing a Special Needs Trust. Are you contemplating filing for guardianship over an adult disabled child? Should your Will be revised to address the current situation of your family? Should your Divorce Decree be modified? Do you need to apply for SSI or Medicaid Waiver Programs for your loved one? We can help you. Are you starting a new business? The Business Law division of The Filis Law Firm can assist with entity formation, reviewing contracts and leases, and drafting Operating Agreements and Employment Contracts. We offer a free 30 minute initial consultation for case review. Find more information, visit us at www.filislaw.com or www.houstonspecialneedsattorneys.com