We are criminal defense lawyers representing people arrested and charged with crimes. Including ALL misdemeanors and felonies. Such AS driving while intoxicated ( DWI / DUI ). Assault. Theft. Drug possession. Marijuana possession. Resisting arrest. Burglary. ETC. We are criminal trial lawyers providing legal expertise to clients in harris county. Chambers county. Liberty county and surrounding counties. For more than 35 years. OUR practice has successfully handled thousands of cases on behalf of citizens from Baytown and surrounding communities. We believe that everyone accused of a crime has a right to effective legal representation and a presumption of innocence and we are committed to zealously defending those rights for each and every ONE of OUR clients throughout every stage of their criminal case. Over the last three decades. We have successfully defended OUR clients in hundreds of jury trials. Involving everything from minor traffic tickets to the most serious crimes. Including felonies such AS murder. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Sexual assaults. Pornography and drug charges.