Pet Vet Hospitals are full service hospitals providing: -Major Medical Care -Radiology and In-house Diagnostics -Surgery Including Spays and Neuters -Vaccinations -Dentistry Pet Vet offers Pet Foods and Supplies including a full range of high quality, premium and prescription diets for your pet. Pet Vet veterinarians have a wide selection of special prescription diets in stock to nutritionally manage a variety of medical conditions including obesity, skin and coat problems. So whether your pet is young or old Pet Vet can recommend the pet food that is right Katy Freeway Location Tests the VetScope We are currently testing an advanced diagnostic scope in one of our hospitals. Pet Vet plans to test this equipment for several months before adding it to all of our hospitals. The VetScope is an instrument that helps the doctor to closely examine the ears and teeth of your pet. With this device, our veterinarian can easily view the eardrum on a large monitor making a diagnosis easier and discomfort for your pet minimal. Additionally, complete dental records can be created for your pet with instant photographs from the VetScope for complete up-to-date medical records. Tono-Pen Test for Glaucoma Our hospitals are equipped with a hand-held precision instrument used to measure pressure within the eyes of your pet to test for glaucoma. The test is simple and can be done, in most cases, during a regular office visit. Glaucoma is a disease that causes increased pressure in the eye and can lead to blindness if not detected early. Ultrasound Technology Comes to Pet Vet We provide in-house ultrasounds on an as needed basis by a trained sonography technician. Ultrasound technology can help our doctors in diagnosis and treatment in a variety of areas - keeping your pet healthy. Training means taking the time to teach your pet to respect your leadership and to give him the guidance needed to meet your expectations for his behavior in the home.