HOME OF THE $39.99 BRAKE INSTALLATION!!! Our History In March of 2011, we started S. Murphy Auto Repair to benefit the West Philadelphia community by providing quality auto repair at reasonable prices. Over the past few years, people had become afraid to take their cars into auto repair shops for fear of being ripped off. We remain dedicated to being fair and honest to all of our customers. Just recently, we moved to a new facility 3xs bigger to better serve you. Words can not express our gratitude. Thank you for allowing us to serve. Our Courtesy We understand that many of our customers cannot afford to be without their car for an extended period of time. Thats why we offer loaner vehicles Hassle-free, reliable transportation for you to make use of while we work on getting your vehicle back in tip-top shape! Our Mission Here at S. Murphy Auto Repair, we aim to provide excellent service while also giving back to our local community. We are proud sponsors of the NSMSF which have given over $100,000 to educating our youth. When you support us you support OUR community.