As we have been welcomed by Christ into the covenant of God?s love, so our church is becoming, more and more, a home where all can find a place to belong. With each renovation, we have welcomed people seeking a community that values openness and inquiry, beauty and grace, justice and self-giving love. You are invited to wander through the doors of the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill at 10 a.m. some Sunday morning. There you will be met by a community of people who once wandered through those same doors when they were new to the community and looking for friendship, when they had just become parents and wanted to give their child the gift of a God on whom to call, when they were struggling through some dark night of illness or divorce or the loss of a job or the death of someone dear, when they needed to know more about the faith that once claimed them in childhood. I invite you to explore the multitude of opportunities for growth, friendship, nurture, challenge, delight and service that mark this community?s life. I also invite you to explore the faith that, from the beginning of creation, has set people free to live in the lively, joyous reality of the grace of God.