We're not just another maid service. These days, you can choose from a lot of different maid services. There are large national cleaning companies and local cleaning ladies. It all may seem confusing - our names are even similar. But that's where the similarity ends between Maid Brigade and all the others. Many people who call Maid Brigade have experienced other cleaning services. Maybe you have too. You might have tried the big ones or the small ones, or maybe you've experienced hiring and then firing a self-employed maid or two, or possibly all of the above. We hear so many stories from our clients about the time and energy wasted dealing with their past maid service or cleaning lady. Wondering whether they were going to show up, or even answer the phone or, worst of all, whether they could be trusted with the keys to the house. Choose a maid service that understands your particular situation and knows how to meet your housecleaning expectations. Choose Maid Brigade. What Makes Maid Brigade Different? With most maid services, the quality starts out fine but then gradually slips. Maid Brigade strives to satisfy you with each and every residential cleaning, and asks for your input every time. We take your comments seriously and see that our maids understand your professional cleaning service needs. Maid Brigade listens and follows through. You can trust Maid Brigade to consistently relieve you of the stress that comes with keeping your house.