We believe the Bible is Gods Word and is the source of Gods wisdom for our life here on earth. We believe in the final authority of His Word, the clarity of His Word, and the sufficiency of His Word. We are therefore committed to the expositional teaching of the Bible in our Sunday services. We also encourage everyone to join a small group Bible study and to personally study Gods Word in their daily lives.We believe in the importance of the unity and community of the church. We believe that we have been called to be the hands and feet of Jesus' love to one another. We are therefore committed to getting involved in each others' lives and giving ourselves in service to one another. We encourage everyone to be a part of a small group that nurtures the special community that there is to be between believers.We believe in serving others in the name of Jesus. We believe that all Christians are uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve others both in the church and outside the body of Christ. We are therefore committed to equipping and impassioning the church family for serving others. We want everyone in our church family to know the joy that comes from serving Jesus by serving others. We provide multiple opportunities for service within the local congregation and also out in the community.