Faust Animal Hospital, located in Phoenix, Arizona, is a full service veterinary hospital that provides complete diagnostic and therapeutic care for companion animals such as cats and dogs. Under The Direction Of Dr. Teri Wiblin Faust's loving, capable staff provide all general practice services. Prior to coming to Faust in 1995, Dr. Wiblin practiced at various hospitals in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Her areas of special interest include dermatology, and cardiology. Since 1990 thousands of very special pets and their people have relied on Faust Animal Hospital as their source of medical, surgical and dental care. We invite you to review our site and learn about our experienced staff and the professional, friendly services they deliver. Faust is full-service provider of healthcare services for pets. Faust treats diseases in companion pets only on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Faust has the experience and facilities to provide preventive care and treat a diseases and a variety of health problems including heartworm, Valley fever, hip problems, kidney disease, seizures, arthritis, injury, poor diet, and tooth care. We offer a complete range of physical exams, from the initial puppy or kitten visit, to the comprehensive geriatric exam. Nutritional counseling is provided as needed. Our doctors will tailor a vaccine protocol that is appropriate for your pet. Our in-house and referred diagnostic capabilities ensure that laboratory evaluation is thorough and accurate. Radiography X-Rays are essential for the diagnosis of many pet ailments. Our in-house radiology department allows us to quickly and safely take the X-Rays.