Though Legendary Guns carries an extensive inventory of all types of firearms, we also have a large inventory of Cowboy Action Shooting guns and accessories and we also support the Single Action Shooting Society. We have the largest inventory of new and used Colts, Replicas and Ruger Single Actions in Arizona. We also carry a large assortment of lever action rifles and pump or side by side shotguns suitable for Cowboy Action Shooting. We are also interested in purchasing firearms collections. Although we are interested in most firearms, we are particularly interested in antique weapons, blades, and memorabilia including, but not limited to, the Civil War, Spanish American War, American Frontier 1870 to 1892, and the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Legendary Guns carries guns from most major manufacturers, so sit back and browse our web site. Chances are we have something that just may "trip your trigger".