A spiritual home for religious free thinkers and social justice involvement. Mission The mission of First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on our values to help heal the world. Ours is a liberal religion that accepts people of many faiths. Rather than try to enforce conformity of beliefs, we pledge to create caring communities that give people the freedom to search for spiritual truth in their own way. Unitarian Universalism is a worldwide religious movement dating back more than 400 ye...ars to independent thinkers in eastern Europe. While based in Judeo-Christian tradition, it has evolved in recent years to include other influences such as humanism, Buddhism, and Earth-centered spirituality. Today, the hallmark of UU congregations is the mutual agreement among members to conduct their lives by certain principles that transcend all creeds. We call these the Seven Faith Principles. Hillcrest Sunday Services at 9:30 and 11:30a Chula Vista Bi-lingual (Spanish/English), Intergenerational Sunday Service 9:30a www.FirstUUSanDiego.org