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A Biblical Light

My knowledge of the Bible is based on the fact that at approximately twelve years of age I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, led to that decision by my mother. I have had the privilege of being raised with the ministry of men who were committed to study God's word the Bible to understand God's will and God's provisions for mankind, outside of manmade religion. I pray that I can have a part in helping you to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior if you do not know Him in this way. If you are a child of God I would pray the Lord would allow me to help you see and appreciate the one church authorized and spoken of in the Bible, and appreciate God's appeal that His people live separate to a significant degree from the religious and the secular world.

A Biblical Light
(540) 729-0436
1064 Leroy St, San Diego, CA 92106
 拉斯维加斯  旧金山湾区  洛杉矶
 纽约  西雅图  凤凰城
波士顿  休斯顿  夏威夷
 费城  芝加哥  华盛顿
 圣地亚哥  温哥华  亚特兰大