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Law Office of Domenic J. Lombardo

The San Diego Law Office of Domenic J. Lombardo is dedicatedsolely to the practice of defending criminal charges. Mr. Lombardo is alicensed criminal defense attorney in California. He serves within the state,federal, and county courts throughout San Diego including the El Cajon, Vista,Chula Vista, Kearney Mesa, and Juvenile Courts. He works primarily as a SanDiego criminal lawyer but has aggressively defended thousands of individualsthroughout California.A Seasoned Criminal Defense LawyerDomenic Lombardo brings a wealth of law experience to bearon every case with the ability to draw from his many years as a trusted SanDiego criminal attorney. Together with a team of investigators, forensicconsultants, and paralegals, Mr. Lombardo displays true dedication as headvocates and works as a defense lawyer for his clients. The result is trackrecord of success when helping clients who face any number of San Diegocriminal charges.A Local San Diego Criminal LawyerMr. Lombardo has had his own San Diego criminal law officefor over sixteen years, and as a San Diego defense attorney for 27 years, he isthoroughly familiar with the judges and prosecutors in San Diego County. Anddespite working as a full-time criminal defense attorney, he personally handlesevery client matter and will take the time to return your every call. You canreceive a consultation with Mr. Lombardo by contacting his criminal law office.

Law Office of Domenic J. Lombardo
(619) 232-5122
110 West A Street, Suite 1100, San Diego, CA 92101
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