Protecting you and your family during your lifetime and at your death are the real goals of Estate Planning. Preserving as much of the value of your assets as possible by avoiding unnecessary expenses, costs, fees and taxes provides the most for you and your family during any incapacity you may experience while living and then at your death. Estate Planning allows you to direct how, to whom and when your assets will be distributed. Estate Planning should include identifying and keeping track of your assets on an ongoing basis and keeping track of changes in your life and family as you proceed through it. Edith has been an Estate Planning lawyer since 1979. Please contact Edith J. White or call the office at (619) 297-7441 should you wish to schedule the free consultation regarding estate planning. Home bound and hospital visits are also available. Trust(s)-Living Trusts Living Trust also referred to as Revocable TrustRevocable Trust (Several types available) Multi-state TrustDomestic Partnership Estate PlansIrrevocable Trust (Several types available)Special Needs Trust (for Disabled)Family TrustDomestic Partnership TrustElder Law Trust Wills Non-trust WillTrust WillPour over into Trust Will Power of Attorney for Financial Matters and Asset Management Immediate Power of Attorney (Durable)Springing Power of Attorney (Durable)Statutory Power of Attorney Health Care Documents Advance Health Care DirectiveAuthorization to Disclose Protected Health Information (HIPAA)Living Will Assignments Document putting tangible personal property into TrustOther Assignments as needed Asset Transfer Documents Real Estate Sales and Purchases (title vesting issues) Real Estate Property Transfer documentsQuit Claim Deeds and Preliminary Change of Ownership Forms and Request for Exclusion from Property ReassessmentAffidavit Death of TrusteeAffidavit Change of TrusteeAssignmentsPower of AppointmentsSpousal Property Petition (securing spouses community property rights where joint tenancy an issue) Heggstad Petition (putting property into a trust post death)