St. John United takes seriously its constitutional mandate to: Serve in response to God's love to meet human needs, caring for the sick and the aged, advocating dignity and justice for all people, working for peace and reconciliation among the nations, and standing with the poor and powerless, and committing itself to their needs. We do this by partnering with other organizations, particularly the Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington State, and by encouraging individuals in our congregation to advocate on particular public policy issues with local, state and federal officials. Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington State ( LPPO ). Check the LPPO site for Washington State advocacy alerts. Lutheran Office of Governmental Affairs. St. John United is a congregation of Northwest Washington Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and our advocacy positions are shaped by the ELCA national advocacy alerts and social statements. Compass Housing Alliance ( an alliance of the former Compass Center and the Lutheran Alliance to Create Housing ) Devoted to environmental stewardship. Check the Earth Ministry web site for volunteer opportunities and advocacy alerts. Community Service Tuesday/Wednesday Soup Kitchen: In partnership with Phinney Neighborhood Association, St. John United hosts a Soup Kitchen on Tuesdays at 5 PM and Wednesdays at 12 noon. Now in its 24th year, the program provides hot, nutritious meals to anyone who comes. In 2002, the program served an average of 292 meals per week. Donations of money, food and time are gratefully accepted. Share Shelter: Every night about 9 PM the St. John United Fellowship Hall becomes home for up to 20 homeless people, under the sponsorship of SHARE, an organization of homeless and formerly homeless persons that coordinates about a dozen self-managed shelters. Sewing Quilts for Refugees: On Tuesday morning during the school year, the Fabric Fantasy sewing group gathers at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall to sew quilts and other items that are distributed by Lutheran World Relief to people in need around the world.