Being arrested or charged with a crime is always a nightmare. Regardless of the nature of the charge or the allegations, it’s always difficult. For many of our clients, it also becomes paralyzing. The first step in every situation, however, should be to contact an experienced Washington State criminal defense lawyer. Our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience handling complicated criminal charges throughout Western Washington. In our experience, almost every criminal charge can be attacked on some level. But, it’s important retain a good criminal lawyer as soon as possible. Any experienced criminal defense lawyer will tell you that the earlier in the process that they are retained the better. This is because many criminal cases involve evidence that can be lost or destroyed if it’s not properly document and reserved. Additionally, many criminal cases involve eyewitness testimony that may or may not have been properly documented by law enforcement. And, no one’s memory improves with age. Similarly, if there are errors in the police reports, it’s much better to investigate and document these errors sooner than later. The Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe provides criminal defense services throughout Western Washington in the following areas: Just some of the cases our criminal lawyers in Washington State handle include: • DUI (Driving Under the Influence) • Theft • Shoplifting • Assault Charges • Domestic Violence Charges • Reckless Driving • Negligent Driving • Hit and Run Charges • DWLS (Driving While License Suspended) • Prostitution Crimes • Forgery • Hit and Run Charges • Sex Crimes • Boating Under the Influence of Intoxicants • Malicious Mischief • Harassment • Fish and Wildlife Offenses • Fraud Charges • Drug charges • Burglary