If you have been hurt because of the negligence or recklessness of someone else, you then have to deal with that person's insurance company. This is when a bad situation usually gets worse because their insurance company is not looking out for you. They will deny or delay a fair resolution of your case and try to pay you as little as possible to make it go away. Meanwhile, medical bills and wage loss can pile up quickly, leaving you in financial hardship. When this happens, it's critical to have an experienced and determined advocate by your side. You need someone who will fight for your rights. It can mean the difference between an excellent outcome for you, or getting bullied by big insurance. With 20 years of experience, attorney David Dawson has the expertise to handle any and all major injury or death claims. He has recovered millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for his clients on a wide variety of death and injury cases in Washington, and throughout the Northwest. Call The Law Offices of David M. Dawson and get a trusted and determined lawyer on your side.