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Tsongas Litigation Consulting

To build a strategic partnership with our client in a way that produces a competitive advantage. Tsongas Litigation Consulting, Inc (Tsongas) is one of the most experienced national, full-service trial consulting firms in the country. Founded in 1978 in formative years of jury consulting, Tsongas has decades of experience assisting attorneys and organizations in preparation for trial, mediation, and arbitration. The firm provides a full range of research and consulting services, including case strategy, community attitude surveys, pre-trial jury research, identification of key issues, development of case themes, witness preparation, jury selection, courtroom visuals, assistance with opening statement and closing argument, and post-trial juror interviews. Our professional staff consists of trial and graphics consultants. Our trial consultants have advanced education in the social sciences and communication, and our graphics consultants have extensive experience in visual advocacy and strategy. All Tsongas consultants are members of the American Society of Trial Consultants (ASTC), which we were founding members of in 1982. Tsongas consultants are widely experienced in virtually every type of civil and criminal litigation. We have provided a competitive advantage for counsel representing plaintiffs and defendants in thousands of cases, tried in 47 states and in Canada. Our goal is to fully integrate all of our consulting services so that they complement and build upon each other. In addition, we work to coordinate and incorporate the informational elements of one service into another so that we maximize our ability to assist you as efficiently as possible. The services we offer combine to provide a comprehensive package of pre-trial and trial assistance which is based on case developments, your time frame, budgetary considerations, and the information we gather from our research and consulting services at key stages in the pre-trial process.

Tsongas Litigation Consulting
(206) 382-2121
701 5th Ave Ste 2450, Seattle, WA 98104
 拉斯维加斯  旧金山湾区  洛杉矶
 纽约  西雅图  凤凰城
波士顿  休斯顿  夏威夷
 费城  芝加哥  华盛顿
 圣地亚哥  温哥华  亚特兰大