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Canine Casa

Full Service Grooming * Quality Pet Baths and Conditioning Rinses * Hypoallergenic, Cruelty-free Shampoos & Conditioners * Nail trim, Soft Paws for Dogs & Cats * Scissor Finishing * All natural-product flea bath * We also offer bath-and-brush & touch-up visits Prices: If this will be your first visit with us, please call for a consultation as we cannot give you a cost or time estimate for full-service cat and dog grooming until we get to know you pet. (most consultations can be done by phone). Full-service grooming is by appointment only. If you get our answering machine please leave a message by phone or email (caninecasa@gmail.com). We will get back to you within 2-4 hours, usually sooner. Generally, our prices range from $45-$55 on small breeds; $55-$75 on medium breeds; $75-$95 on large breeds. Cats will range from $50-$75 for full-service grooming. In our experience, when your pet comes to visit us more often, it will become easier and less costly to maintain them in good condition over time. For a consultation please either call 206.932.4446 or email us at caninecasa@gmail.com. For full service grooming you can call or email to book an appointment. Or you can now book online by visiting our main website. Click the link at the top of the page to go to our main website. Our days fill up quickly and we can become very busy; if you get our answering machine please leave a message and we will return your call within 2-4 hours, usually sooner. Canine Casa is located at 4502 SW Brace Pt. Drive, Seattle, WA 98136 off of Fauntleroy.

Canine Casa
(206) 932-4446
4502 SW Brace Point Dr, Seattle, WA 98136
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