I am an independent stylist and thinker. I made this page because everyone who is famous or who has delusions of fame should have one. Which one of those I am I will never tell. Doing hair is a thrill for me. I have several clients that have come to me for years and they are awesome, great people, with really great hair. New clients that give me a try seem to love me, but sometimes I think my extra charges for sarcasm and dropped combs scares them away... Ok, I'm kidding. I have never actually charged anyone for dropping a comb. Anyway, if thinking about trying a new stylist gives you anxiety, you should just take a chill pill and come see me. There is nothing uptight or judgmental about me. I WILL be honest with you about your hair and if you dont know what the hell u want to do with it, I will give you some ideas you'll most likely love. My first concern is your hair's health. Where is it damaged? What habits have contributed to its damage? Is it repairable? I push for starting a new look with a clean slate. Removing or repairing the damage as needed, education about how to maintain its health, and an inspirational lecture on respecting oneself and one's hair. Humorous anecdotes free of charge. Sarcasm extra. I'll break the ice, I'll open you up to new ideas, I'll listen to your boyfriend problems, I'll make you famous, and I'll charge you only what I could see myself paying for the same service. Its a journey for the both of us, and you'll leave feeling awesome. And that makes me feel awesome. In the meantime, I post pictures of my recent work, slightly off color hair-related e-cards and subliminal messages to my clients and future clients. Follow me to the dark side and lets make you hot. If you're cool I'll give you a sticker.