We believe each child to be created by God uniquely precious, & to be cared for as an individual with his or her particular gifts. Learning must focus on the child's needs, therefore, educational experiences must vary in kind & degree that each student's potential may be challenged. We believe the method of education should be open-ended & should encourage innovation & growth. We believe that children possess the drive to develop themselves. Children learn best from their own physical activity & senses if given the freedom to discover, explore & create in an enriched environment with supportive guidance based on observation of the children's interests & needs. We believe that children want to learn how to interact appropriately with others. Therefore, we offer lessons in grace & morality in the classroom. Courtesy & kindness are marks of the Montessori staff & children. Montessori can be described as a method of teaching developed by Maria Montessori, who was an Italian Doctor in the early l900's. She was fascinated by young children & their delight with the world around them. After she began her studies of handicapped children & had discovered & proved that they learned as easily as normal children, she began to wonder why she couldn't help normal children learn in the same way. She then researched & developed her ideas of children's concentration, need for repetition, fondness for order, preference for work over play, need for freedom