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St Clare Preschool

Since our opening day on July 7, 1997, it has been our goal to create an environment for children that would teach good Christian values hand in hand with learning and play activities. Here at St. Clare, we strive to provide a childcare center that values kindness and respect for each other in a nurturing and supportive setting. In our classrooms, we offer learning materials and educational enhancements, as well as fun projects and a wonderful opportunity for socialization. Extra activities such as Spanish, sign language and in-house field trips add to our curriculum. We have a strong sense of community here at our preschool. The choice to blend a Christian atmosphere with good learning materials in a place that's fun and challenging for children makes St. Clare a special place. What a great joy it is to share and experience your child's early years. It is an honor and a pleasure to have your child at our preschool. — Nancy Melzer, Preschool Director

St Clare Preschool
(503) 244-5458
1812 SW Spring Garden St, Portland, OR 97219
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 费城  芝加哥  华盛顿
 圣地亚哥  温哥华  亚特兰大