Free Initial Consultation on Bankruptcy Cases In times when consumer debt is at an all time high, even the affluent can be confronted by overwhelming debt as a result of a loss of a job, death of a family member, or severe illness. Filing bankruptcy will immediately get the creditors off your back. With Chapter 7, most debts are able to be discharged. In Chapter 13, a payment plan can be established. Either way, your financial situation will be greatly improved. * Bankruptcy: chapter 7 and chapter 13 * Stop all collection action * Obtain fresh start by discharging debts, judgments, and in some cases, taxes * Maximize property which can be saved - house, car and more * Stop lawsuits, garnishments, tax collection, repossessions and foreclosures * Consolidate debts, reduce monthly creditors and extend time for payment * Consolidate traffic fines and in most cases obtain a drivers license * Available to most individuals and small business