Good value at a good price. Vast Savings on Outstanding Merchandise Bargain Basement and Closeout Prices Every Day, Where Can You Find This and Much, Much More at Your Local Pawn Shop If you are interested in saving money and finding great values, the pawn shop is the place for you. Today's pawnshop has it all. Quality merchandise at outstanding prices is what you will find at today's modern pawn shops. Previously owned merchandise of fine quality can be found on the shelves at your local pawn shop. Every time a pawnbroker loans cash on an item, he knows that someday it could be on his shelf for resale. Because of this, he only accepts good quality merchandise. The pawn shop is an established business. The pawnbroker is not a here today and gone tomorrow business like the flea market vendor, Internet auction sites or garage sales. Today's pawnbroker knows his business is only as good as his reputation and he wants to maintain a good reputation. The variety of merchandise you will find is amazing. Since most of the merchandise is previously owned, the number of makes and models of merchandise is previously owned, the number of makes and models of merchandise can almost be limitless. You just never know what you may find in today's pawn shop.