Pilgrim A.M.E. Church has been in the Rosedale Community for over 70 years, and our presence and outreach have had a positive influence on the children, youth, and adults of this part of the District of Columbia. Although former welfare recipients may have been in numerous job training work placement programs in the past, our customers find the Pilgrim Job Connection to be somewhat unique. Because we are a faith-based organization, our approach to the possibility of economic self-sufficiency is different. Because we are a team of Christian professionals, our expectations of our customers and our belief in their potential is usually "played out" in different ways. Clearly, we understand the laws regarding the separation of Church and State. Nevertheless, we view this program as an extension of our outreach ministry... And although our funding and directions come from the District Government, the ordering of our steps and our mission are direct mandates from a higher source. They come from God!