Adelson, Testan, Brundo & Jimenez, also known as ATB&J, specializes in the defense of workers' compensation claims and related matters. It has offices throughout the states of California, Connecticut, Illinois, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Texas. The company handles the litigation needs of insurance carriers, third-party administrators and self-insured employers. Adelson, Testan, Brundo & Jimenez s staff uses case management system, voice recognition software, conventional dictation service and online research application tools. It is staffed with secretaries, office assistants, administrators, attorneys and clerks. In addition, the company provides consulting services for mergers and acquisitions, claims legal audits and litigation prevention strategies. Adelson, Testan, Brundo & Jimenez supports the Valley Industry Claims Association, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, APH Charitable Trust, Christmas for Kids and Cowboy Touchdown Club. It maintains a location in San Francisco.