With a background in genetics, nutrition and fitness, Dr. Gabi utilizes modern health and advanced science as a platform in helping people understand the relationship between their mouth, how to eat healthy and their lives. Dr. Gabi offers personalized dental care based on each patient's individual needs and objectives and focusing on the areas of:
Integrative Dentistry
NutriGenomics (Diet & Genes)
Preventive Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental Implants
As a clinical dentist Tzur was unsettled at the lack of integration and application between dentistry, nutrition and lifestyle and how dental health professionals can truly help solving the problem.
This led to the realization that an awareness of genetics, nutrition and understanding of health as an overall was vital.
Dr. Gabi realized that only a change in diet and lifestyle can change our trajectory towards a future of being in control of our health.
Dr. Gabi is a pioneer in a new wave of cutting-edge healthcare, Integrative Dentistry, providing patients throughout Los Angeles, CA, with the most advanced dental care aimed at identifying issues in their earliest stages and providing the best possible outcomes. Dr. Gabi's integrative approach considers each patient's whole health profile for better care and greater patient confidence.
With experience in both Western and Eastern medicine techniques, Dr. Gabi is positioned to offer a full range of services, including genetic nutrition profiling to help each patient understand the issues that can affect their dental health and their overall health and wellness.
Dr. Gabi is a graduate of prestigious Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and completed post-doctoral training at Columbia University Medical Center and specialized training in oral rehabilitation and implant therapy at USC School of Dentistry.
His individualized approach to care has earned him the recognition and devotion of patients seeking the most comprehensive and effective care for their teeth, gums and smile.
Dr Gabi's recognition of a need to shift to lifestyle based prevention and education has driven him to the world of technology, web and social communication.
As the co-founder of Caligenix, a platform designed with the aim to help better connect health professionals and patients to the world of nutrigenomics, Dr. Gabi’s ambition and intent for his patients is to live smarter, not harder.