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Int'l Realty & Investment

International Realty & Investments was formed by its owner Malcolm Bennett over 3 decades ago with the purpose of providing decent, safe and sanitary housing to the residents of the greater Los Angeles area. Originally formed as Bennett & Bennett, the name was changed in 1984. During the 1990s when Southern California was experiencing a recession and property values declined, International Realty & Investments was still an innovative, thriving company. It was during this time that it opened its Long Beach Division, which is now managed by Ivy A. Goolsby. International Realty & Investments currently has two locations and prides itself in being a company that not only provides , specializing in real estate investments and sales, but has been recognized as a leader in property management and homeowner association management. It is a recognized leader in the real estate field. All licensees of the company are members of the California Association of REALTORS, not just real estate agents. They include, Broker/Owner Malcolm Bennett; General Manager, Ruth Hayles; and REALTORS Michael Williams, and Ana Rugamas

Int'l Realty & Investment
(323) 754-2818
11215 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047
 拉斯维加斯  旧金山湾区  洛杉矶
 纽约  西雅图  凤凰城
波士顿  休斯顿  夏威夷
 费城  芝加哥  华盛顿
 圣地亚哥  温哥华  亚特兰大