"The period of infancy is undoubtedly the richest. It should be utilized by education in every conceivable way. The waste of this period can never be compensated. Instead of ignoring the early years, it is our duty to cultivate them with utmost care." -- Dr. Alexis Carrel Established in 1971, Casa Montessori, Inc. guides the child to develop self-discipline and motivation at the most sensitive ages between 2 1/2 and 6 years old. Casa Montessori offers the following: Enrichment programs Field Trips Hot Lunch Program Summer Program Computer Lab Library Auditorium Extended Care (7:00 am to 5:30 pm) "The Child of three, four and five has one intuitive aim: Self Development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself, though his senses and not through the eyes of an adult. The child who accomplishes this moves into harmony with his world. He becomes a full person. He is educated." -- Maria Montessori The scientifically prepared environment of the true Montessori school allows the child to develop the prime elements of character: freedom, concentration, independence, self-discipline, industry, sense of reality - in an atmosphere of cooperation, not competition. Casa Montessori, Inc. invites all interested parents to visit the school, confer with faculty members, and observe the children in the class.