Introduce Sa-Am Acupuncture The purpose of the 5E6Q acupuncture is to help regulate biorhythms.About Five elements and Six Qi = 5E6Q Five Elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each element is used to explain the interaction between internal organs. Six Qi refers to wind, cold, heat, humidity, dry, fire, and lightning. These are the environmental factors that can affect the body condition.In Oriental Medicine, the illness can be divided into two kinds, external and internal.Pathogenic organisms or physical injuries are some factors of external illnesses.The internal illness addresses an emotional condition that may cause internal illnesses due to stress, negative thoughts and biorhythms.First, imbalanced physical rhythms: metopodynia, eczema, psoriasis, anorexia, bulimia, dyspnea, hyperaeration, constipation, and diarrhea.Second, symptoms of imbalanced emotional rhythms: laryngalgia, rash, edema, hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, precordial pain, nephritis, pyelitis, and cystitis etc.Third, symptoms of imbalanced intellectual rhythms: migraine, pruritus cutaneous, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pleuritic, amblyopia, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidismChanges in physical and emotional rhythms in biorhythms can cause pimple, obesity, dwarfism, hyperlipemia, thrombosis, embolism, polyuria, oligiroa, hyperglycemia, hypoglicemia, Cushings syndrome, and Addisons disease.Changes in physical and intellectual rhythms in biorhythms can cause asatopic, fatty liver, hepatomegaly, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, nyctalopia, photophobia, myopia, hyperopia, xerophthalmia, epiphora, glaucoma, cataract, hyperparathyroidism, and hypoparathyroidism.Changes in emotional and intellectual rhythms in biorhythms can cause asshingles, aneurysm, varicosity, arteriosclerosis, phlebosclerosis, erythrocytosis, erythropenia, lymphocytosis, lymphocytopenia, vasodilation, and vasoconstriction.All three stages of imbalance biorhythm may lead to serious illness: asstroke, dementia-Alzheimers (disease), quadriplegia, cancer, menopausal disorder, insomnia, and narcolepsy.The Sa-am acupuncture practice is the most effective way to regenerate biorhythms and treat all types of internal illnesses.Three types of biorhythm and medians (pathway) in terms of yin and yan:1st = physical rhythm; tae yin lung, spleen and yang myung stomach, large intestine 2nd = emotion rhythm; so yin heart, kidney and tae yang small intestine, bladder 3rd = intellectual rhythm; gual yin simpo, liver and so yang samcho, gall