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Angelic Reiki L.A.

Angelic Reiki is a hands on energy healing modality that is channeled from the ENTIRE Angelic Kingdom. This method of healing is great to compliment traditional medicine as well as on it's own. It is safe & effective for everyone that is suffering from all Chronic & Acute illnesses including, grief, depression & cancer. I specialize in the intentional healing of Autistic children, their parents & caregivers, learning how to fall back in love with yourself & fertility health. I LOVE & I Am passionate about this method of healing, because, it heals you both physically & spiritually. This powerful, yet very gentle & effective healing last up to 21-28 days. With Angelic Reiki I help to treat the cause of your symptom NOT the effect. For example, if you have aches & pains, digestive problems those are effects of the stress in your life. Some causes could be relationship issues, financial problems or negative self-talk & constant worry these are causes of the stress. In our private consultations we will discuss what is happening in your life & then I will guide you to the proper Angelic Reiki Treatment that is best for you. Reiki is now considered an IMPORTANT benefit when used in conjunction with following your doctor’s orders or on it's own. American doctors, including Dr. Mehet Oz, are now accepting & understanding the value of this healing modality since it's awareness in 1922 by Dr. Mikao Usui. I have been performing Angelic Reiki on myself for over 4-5 years & I no longer take supplements, I have amazing sleep at night,but, most importantly I no longer suffer from menstrual cramps!! I have had many patients that experience the healing effects of Angelic Reiki for their health concerns & many have stated they wake up full of energy & their overall health has dramatically improved including no longer suffering from body aches & pains.

Angelic Reiki L.A.
(310) 503-1008
Los Angeles, 90045, Los Angeles, CA 90045
 拉斯维加斯  旧金山湾区  洛杉矶
 纽约  西雅图  凤凰城
波士顿  休斯顿  夏威夷
 费城  芝加哥  华盛顿
 圣地亚哥  温哥华  亚特兰大