Bollinger Insurance has insurance solutions for individuals and businesses in NewYork, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. Our attention to our clients’needs have made Bollinger one of the top-20 US insurance agencies. The personal insurance group provides home insurance, auto insurance, classiccar insurance, valuable collection insurance, personal property insurance,watercraft insurance, flood insurance, and more. We consult our clients on theiroverall insurance needs, including high-net-worth protection. Our programs provideasset protection from lawsuits through liability insurance including excess andumbrella coverage. Our professional insurance consultants provide personalized service to meet theindividual needs of our clients. We will review coverage options, market trends andmake recommendations.We represent multiple insurance providers. That’s the benefit of being a licensedindependent insurance agent: we’ll find the right insurance for your needs at thebest price. Call us for free consultation and a fast and easy quote.