D'Agostino & Associates has been solving legal problems for people for almost twenty years. This is the firm known for treating clients with kindness and respect while offering aggressive representation. Personal Injury: Our personal injury legal team is known to get the compensation you deserve for the injuries you had in an auto accident, on the job, etc. Estate Planning: Do you or your family members need assistance in planning your estate? We will give you the peace of mind that everything will be taken care of. Worker's Compensation: If you were injured at work, you have rights. Give us a call so we can make sure your medical treatment is covered and you obtain the lost wages you're entitled to. Social Security Whether it's a hearing or appeal for SSI or SSD, give us a call. We have a proven track record for success. Criminal Defense: Knowing that your lawyer is there for you 24 hours a day is crucial to fighting criminal charges. At D'Agostino & Associates, we pride ourselves as being extremely accessible by phone, e-mail, cell phone or personal visits. Other Legal Matters: Before calling an attorney regarding ANY legal matter, give us a call. With a staff of twenty-five legal professionals, we're here to help. If we don't handle your legal matter, we can put you in the hands of quality legal representation elsewhere.