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Freedom Life Grace Church

We are so glad you're here! Freedom Life is a life enriching gathering for non-religious people in process; a place where imperfect everyday people come together, connect in significant relationships, and thoughtfully consider Peter's declaration that "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God." This is a place where all people are welcome and wanted.We're not just another church; we are a new kind of church. Jesus said he came to invite outsiders not coddle insiders. He was liked by people who were unlike him. People flocked to Jesus because he was for them, yet sadly today the message of the church seems largely about what it is against. Jesus gave his life for relationships not religion, compassion not control. Here at Freedom Life, we just want you to know that God loves you, and we love you too!

Freedom Life Grace Church
(702) 381-3730
8755 W Warm Springs Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89148
 拉斯维加斯  旧金山湾区  洛杉矶
 纽约  西雅图  凤凰城
波士顿  休斯顿  夏威夷
 费城  芝加哥  华盛顿
 圣地亚哥  温哥华  亚特兰大