Urban Ranch General Store specializes in hand-selected, artful and sustainable details for homes and boutique hospitality projects in Las Vegas, NV. With our foundation in interior design, we include specialty door and cabinet hardware, lighting, custom wine cellars, candelabras, gifts and other decorative accessories. We consider ourselves a general store for modern city dwellers. We specialize in: Specialty door & cabinet hardware Decorative lightening Custom wine cellars Candelabras Durette works toward a goal of "simple elegance" in her design work, always striving to incorporate sustainability in products and installation. Her projects include custom residences in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Taos, New Mexico, homes in Texas, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Beverly Hills, CA, as well as health food stores and spas in Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada. Durette opened her architectural design consultation business over thirty years ago after selling her successful clothing design studio. She enjoys the juxtaposition of fashion design and architectural design, and is currently working on a collection of crossover products that are being introduced in her Urban Ranch store. Our valuable customers are also introduced to Durette's own unique perspective on various projects in addition to advising Urban Ranch shoppers on their home accessories choices. Call Urban Ranch General Store today for hand-selected, artful details for your home.