Kids R Kids is a school of quality learning for children of all ages. We specialize in individualized educational programs for children from 6 weeks to 12 years old. Our sincere love of children and our belief that they should have a strong learning foundation makes Kids R Kids your family’s perfect choice for child care and preschool. With approximately 17,000 square feet including 10 classrooms, a cafeteria, an activity gym and 4 play areas for different age groups, we have you and your child’s needs covered. Call any of our locations listed today for more information. Remeber to ask about our free enrollment! At Kids R Kids, we are dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for your children to learn and grow. We even have a visibility internet camera where you can view your child at play. We have programs for infants, toddlers, preschool, before and after school and even summer camp. At Kids R Kids, we hug first, then teach. Contact our child care professionals today to learn more! Free Enrollment!