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R & L Aquarium Maintenance

This is What We'll Do For You! The most talked about part of aquarium maintenance is the water change. A water change should be performed about every 2 weeks. In most cases 10-15% of the tank volume is sufficient. A good habit is to replace the water extracted while "vacuuming" the gravel. This will eliminate uneaten foods and other residues that settle in the substrate. It is highly recommended to check on your water parameters, both, in the tank and the water you use to replace it with. Most tap-water (city water) contains either chlorine or chloramines. Chlorine will air out rather quickly (kept in an aerated bucked for 24 hours) chloramines will not (chloramines = chlorine + ammonia). Using a water conditioner will neutralize the chlorine in both cases, but ammonia will still be present in the latter. It has to be broken down by the bacteria present in the aquarium. This can take longer than your fish can tolerate. Other elements of municipal water may be phosphates, iron and other heavy metals. To find out about your tap-water chemistry, call your local water company. Well-water is usually harder than tap water, but chlorine/chloramines free. Filtered water should also be checked on a regular basis and should be considered part of your aquarium maintenance routine. Check for silicate and silicid acid, which penetrate the filter membranes after a short period of time. By Appointment Only.

R & L Aquarium Maintenance
(702) 266-3358
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